1Thin FrontageThin Frontage 2View Straight OnView Straight On 3Dome Over DomesDome Over Domes 4Cross OutsideCross Outside 5Honeycombed WindowHoneycombed Window 6St. George Slaying the DragonSt. George Slaying the Dragon 7Pulpit, Altar, and CrucifixPulpit, Altar, and Crucifix 8Beautiful Painting in the Nave 1Beautiful Painting in the Nave 1 9Beautiful Painting in the Nave 2Beautiful Painting in the Nave 2 10Gold Adorned PulpitGold Adorned Pulpit 11Iron Studded Front DoorIron Studded Front Door 12Looking Up to the Bell HouseLooking Up to the Bell House HofkircheServitenkirche