Skiing9 images 1Nordkette Alps Looming LargeNordkette Alps Looming Large 2The Majestic PatscherkofelThe Majestic Patscherkofel 3Alps from Maria-Theresien-StrasseAlps from Maria-Theresien-Strasse 4Alp Ridge Seen From the Conference CenterAlp Ridge Seen From the Conference Center 5Peaks From the StadtturnPeaks From the Stadtturn 6Snow-Swept Jagged RocksSnow-Swept Jagged Rocks 7Tirolean Residences Against an Alpine BackdropTirolean Residences Against an Alpine Backdrop 8Alpine Spine Over the Inn RiverAlpine Spine Over the Inn River 9Langer Sattel With Clouds AboveLanger Sattel With Clouds Above 10Long Buildings and High PeaksLong Buildings and High Peaks 11Patscherkofel Over the RoofsPatscherkofel Over the Roofs 12Mandlspitze and Rumer SpitzeMandlspitze and Rumer Spitze 13Cold Waters of the Inn RiverCold Waters of the Inn River 14Serles Peak Like a Mountainous CastleSerles Peak Like a Mountainous Castle 15The Inn River Seen From Above With Glungezer Peak to the RightThe Inn River Seen From Above With Glungezer Peak to the Right 16Serles Towering Above Mountainous ValleysSerles Towering Above Mountainous Valleys 17Cable Car Station in HungerburgCable Car Station in Hungerburg 18Looking Across to the KalkkogelLooking Across to the Kalkkogel 19Innsbruck is TinyInnsbruck is Tiny 20Clouds GatheredClouds Gathered Bergisel